Sunday, June 2, 2019

The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

Hello fellow blogger, this is the first of what I hope will be many posts.  So I will begin with a brief introduction of who I am.  My name is Tommy Aragon, a 55 year old man. I am Hispanic and proud of it.  I am a native New Mexican, and would not have it any other way.   My life began in Fort Sumner, New Mexico, born and raised a Fox, my school mascot, then I had the privilege of going to college in Portales NM, there I went from being a Fox to being a Greyhound  (Eastern New Mexico University).  I earned my Bachelor's in Business Administration, with a minor in Economics.  However, my true love was in competition in the squared circle.  I was very lucky to come out of 106 organized competition with little damage.  I first started in Martial Arts, my trainer and over all mentor was the great Frank Roister, This was and will always be one of the most influential persons in my life with of course my Lord and Savior being first.  Frank not only taught me how to be the best in the ring, he also showed me how to be a true productive member of society.  I can say that Father has blessed me in so many ways.  I was able to win just about every major competition I entered.  Now, the blessing did not stop there, My full contact coach was Steve Blakely, I also believe, he was one of the greatest person I have ever met.  Steve taught me how to keep my anger under control, and let my training speak for itself. We won many events, New Mexico State, West Texas State, and many more, along with being ranked Number 1 in NM.  He always wanted me to be a mentor for others, but this is a part of me that I had a problem with.  Not that I did not want to, but I was raised in a way that I had to fight for everything I had.  It was not that I didn't have a family, because I had the greatest Mother anyone could ask for, she was my mom and dad.  We were very poor growing up.  I was still trying to figure out who I was, and I also had a big chip on my shoulder, I felt like I was always on the outside looking in.  I decided to keep competing but I wanted control of who I would fight and when, so I made the move to the cage, that is underground at the time.  The money was great and l was 12 and 0 however, for the first time I have ever told anyone and its to the whole world.  My 12 fight I was in the cage with a man from Mexico, Now at the way in, and for those who are not familiar with the fight world, that is where you are weighed to make sure you are at the weight you both signed to fight at, where you sign your final contract, and where you take the before pics for advertising purposes, and where you get to size up your competition.  Now at that time he was really going over the top and saying rude and really trying to get in my head.  However, the one place I always called home was in the middle if the ring.  The fight began and he was still talking trash and I had enough, I hit him with a two hand strikes and three foot strikes.  when I had completed my combo, he was laying on the floor and was not moving.  At that time it hit me and I felt as I could not breath, all I could think of was I the one thing that I loved more than anything just did that.  Needless to say it ended his career, and I was the cause.  I struggled with that for several years, until one day I was in Albuquerque NM and as I was entering a store I came head to head with him.  I was frozen in time.  However, I caught myself, and walked up to him and shook his hand and began to ask for his forgiveness.  He stopped me in my tracks, he was not the same person I remembered.  He introduced me to his wife and kids, one a few years old and a newborn.  He said to me, Thank You, if that would not have happened the way it did " I would never have met my wife and never would have had his kids" and that was the one thing he had always wanted.  Tune in on my next blogs for the completions of my introduction and what it takes to really be healthy and free.  If you are interested in some of the things that are helping me be free.  (Take a look at this),  My new found happiness.  Fill free to leave comments, or just say hey.  So until tomorrow Your Friend tomtotom.

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